Love is the doctrine of this church!

Yes, It Is Happening!
Our 13th Annual Chocolate Auction via Zoom.

following the service on Valentine’s Day Sunday, February 14 at 11:30 am.

You ask, how can a Chocolate Auction take place over Zoom? Nancy Walker and Joan Fariel have planned it out and are making sure it will be as successful as others in the past, even with two of our own talented auctioneers.

*Due to the format and time constraint, we may need to limit the number of desserts and we won’t be able to accept small items. We will be happy to auction off a dozen cookies or brownies, and of course the cakes, pies, tortes, etc. that we have had in the past.

Please keep in mind that since this is not our usual Chocolate Auction format bakers will be asked to show their desserts over Zoom from their computer or tablet.

To bid on an item type your name and price in the chat area. You may bid as many times as you want.

After the auction the bakers will need to deliver their item to the church between 1:00-2:00 pm. There will be someone at the church to take the desserts right from your car.

From 2:00-3:00 pm the winners can pick up what they have won. Someone will collect the payment (cash or check) and hand out the item. You don’t even need to get out of your car.

If you would like to donate a chocolate item contact Nancy Walker at or 603-863-0066. She needs to know ahead of time how many items will be auctioned. Make sure you let her know by Friday, February 12 with what you are baking, its description, and ingredients. Please note that we may not be able to accept last minute items.

You will be receiving the Zoom link as we get closer to the date. If you plan to attend the worship service that day, you will need to exit and then use a separate link for the Chocolate Auction.

Since the worship service is with Rev. Buffy Boke, you may want to check into the service ahead of time to visit with Buffy, stay for a short time on the breakout, and then link to the auction by 11:30 am.

Any questions – contact Nancy Walker or Joan Fariel at or call her at 802-436-1770.